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Our Work

The activities and services provided by Class 7A are accessible to different types of people:

It is accessible to theater lovers, teachers, students, and the community



Stick to the text. Practice simplicity

The drama group of Class 7A has been actively exploring the possibilities of text, emphasizing the power of text, using simple and freehand expression techniques,Create a stage show that's unique.

Produced locally. word reconstruction

The "Word Reconstruction" series provides a platform for local stage artists to express their creativity and imagination about words. One of the works of "Word Reconstruction VI", "2097: A Fairy Tale of Two Cities", was developed into a regular performance the following year and was nominated for the best script at the "11th Hong Kong Small Theater Awards".

Publish scripts. Record inheritance

The drama group of Class 7A attaches great importance to text and will compile and publish script collections to contribute to the preservation of Hong Kong drama texts and provide local drama creation and research materials.

Jump out of Hong Kong. Overseas exchange

The drama group of Class 7A has been invited to visit Shanghai, Seoul, South Korea, Busan, South Korea and other places for performance exchanges; some well-received local works have been translated into English and Korean and performed in London and Seoul.



Drama education. Integrate subjects

The drama group of Class 7A has been committed to promoting the integration of drama as a teaching tool into various disciplines for many years. It has served more than 100 schools and implemented collaborative classroom teaching of drama teaching methods in classrooms of many different subjects. It has also actively developed different curriculum support models and promoted teacher training. work, and strive to advocate the use of drama teaching methods.

School tour. Educational and entertaining

The troupe has produced touring performances for major organizations in Hong Kong, including the Environmental Theater of the Hong Kong Coastal Defense Museum, Environment Bureau SustainabilityContinuing the development of touring performances and other performances to convey meaningful educational messages through drama.

Chinese learning. on paper

The drama group of Class 7A has had many meetings with China in recent yearsDrama education plans related to Chinese language teaching, especially focusing on drama to improve students' learning effectiveness in learning classical Chinese, and deepen students' understanding of classical Chinese passages. In 2020, the drama group of Class 7A won the Outstanding Performance Award in the "Arts Education Award" (Non-School Category) of the "14th Hong Kong Arts Development Awards" of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.



Art drop zone. Connect communities

Through various types of activities such as community tours, community inspections, and workshops, theater is used to connect all levels of the community, and art is used to give back to the community and establish a new relationship between art and the community.

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